Hypnotherapy is simply a therapeutic approach in which we use hypnosis to achieve your goal. As a hypnotherapist, Yasmine works on vocational and avocational self-improvement, or under medical, dental, or psychological referral. Hypnosis is very effective in: changing unwanted habits; increasing willpower; overcoming fears and phobias; dealing with procrastination, anxiety, and stress; changing re-occurring patterns in your life; and so much more.
Our mind has two important parts: the conscious and the subconscious. The power of hypnosis lay in the ability to directly reach the subconscious mind, allowing the input of beneficial suggestions. Imagine what it would be like if 100% of your total mind power was working for you! Imagine what it would be like to feel free, relieved, and to step out of the dark and into the light, using this powerful tool to your advantage.
Hypnosis is nothing to be afraid of; it is actually a very pleasant, natural state of being, and has been used in different cultures for thousands of years. When in hypnosis, you are aware of what is happening, therefore remaining in full control. Personally-tailored positive suggestions are given directly to your subconscious mind. People find hypnotherapy a very comfortable, relaxing experience, with the pleasant side effect of seeing positive changes in their behavior and life. These changes all started with one simple decision. Are YOU willing to take the first step?
“You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step”