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I will also be very happy to answer any questions by phone (818)934-1008

15335 Morrison Street
Sherman Oaks, CA, 91403
United States


Join Yasmine and discover how hypnosis works and what it can do for you.  Hypnotherapy is an extremely effective tool in removing anxiety, quit smoking, sleep better and much much more. Time to let go and relax.

Workshops & Seminars

Make your mind work for you by getting out of your way and allow success in all areas of your life. Success is not an accident, it is a mindset. This can be learned using proven methods for profound breakthroughs and happiness. All of the workshops can be adapted for corporate and business environments.

Success is a Mindset - Workshop

Ever wonder how successful and happy people do what they do? How did they get to achieve all this? We know it has nothing to do with culture because people of different cultures obtain success and happiness. We also know it has nothing to do with parents being rich or poor because there are plenty of examples of people with rich and/or poor parents and still manage to reach their goals. We also know it has nothing to do with an educational level because we all have heard stories of individuals who dropped out of high school and yet reached the highest of levels. We could go on and on….

The truth is it has to do with your mind… your subconscious mind that is. It holds ALL of your beliefs, thresholds, programming, perceptions including how much money is safe for you to make (often down to the exact amount), how much you should weigh, the kind of partner you should be with or without and your overall view of the world. You are nothing more but the experience of accumulated past memory as it relates to everything in life. Your brain simply plays the same song over and over again, the song is your life. It is what we call patterns. Even though you had decided to do something about it, somehow you end up at a similar place. How can that be?

Their success is the product of the way they use their minds and alter old belief systems to make them work for them. YOU can too!! Everything in life; the way you think, believe, feel and act is learned. You can unlearn and learn something else instead. When was the last time you updated your smartphone? Likely within the past year. When was the last time you update your belief system aka subconscious mind? Don’t you think it’s time to do something about it?

Join this workshop and you will walk out understanding yourself better than ever before, knowing what to do to create success in all areas of life and have the tools to do so. Give yourself the gift of freedom! Sign up NOW :

Next workshop:

  • Saturday, February 29th 2020 9AM - 12PM

  • ALL materials are provided, Success Mindset Ledger, Handouts, …

  • 15335 Morrison Street #385, Sherman Oaks (0.5 from the Galleria), free parking available.

  • LIMITED seating, this workshop sells out FAST