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Join Yasmine and discover how hypnosis works and what it can do for you.  Hypnotherapy is an extremely effective tool in removing anxiety, quit smoking, sleep better and much much more. Time to let go and relax.

Local Hypnotherapist Sherman Oaks; Hypnosis session for the win

Yasmine Verberckt is a hypnotherapist based out of Sherman Oaks.  Her clinic focuses on anxiety relief, quit smoking, habit control, stress management, fears and phobias, sleep, mindset and much more.  In her articles she shares her insights on many topics where hypnosis has proven to be effective. The best way to find out is of course by booking a session. In Person or via Zoom.

Filtering by Category: Wellbeing

Hypnotherapy for anxiety: Hypnosis to attack the panic!

Yasmine Verberckt

Anxiety and panic attack relief Happy In Hypnosis

Sadly anxiety has become the number one Mental Health issue in North America.  It is estimated that one third of the American adult population experiences anxiety in their life - National Institute of Mental Health. To put this in perspective: these numbers are similar to the obesity statistics of 2011-2012.  So what is anxiety really, why has it become such a big issue and more importantly what can be done about it?

We all experience anxiety in our lives at one point or another. Occasional anxiety is quite acceptable and a normal part of life.  We may be anxious when interviewing for a job, while awaiting test results, when in a life threatening situation or having to make an important decision.  

Anxiety is a feeling of worry, nervousness or unease typically about an event in the past or the future.  Feelings and the degree of worry can vary quite a bit depending on the individual can't they?  I am sure you can think of at least one person in your life that is overwhelmed, stressed out, nervous or shall we say anxious?  On the other hand very likely you also know of a different kind of person, you know the one I am referring to; the one that seems to handle it all, juggling a career, school, kids, ... and is just a ball of life and energy no matter what happens.  How can that be? They both have eyes, a nose, lungs, a heart and a mind.

AAAHHH the mind.  Even though the anatomy is similar, the way it is used may be different.  We are on to something here, can you sense it? 

Most of us have this notion that the mind can be divided into the conscious and subconscious part.  Most of us are also aware that the subconscious part is the biggest engine of the two.  The one that drives your behavior,thoughts and therefore feelings.  Compare it to your computer's programming.  This program of yours has a very simple yet effective mechanism in place.  We use different words for it, some of them may be familiar, they all are referring to the same: the fight-flight response, sympathetic/parasympathetic nervous system or our basic instinct for survival.  

What does this have to do with anxiety?  Thank you for asking, we are getting to the nitty gritty here.  

Play a game with me

What happens to your body and your emotions when you find yourself in a situation that is uncomfortable, makes you nervous or let's go big: life threatening.  Perhaps a speech you're about to give, the boss called you in her/his office, the doctor really wanted to speak with you, a partner that couldn't talk to you on the phone but had to see you in person? 

- sweaty palms                                                           - panic

- queasy stomach                                                       - expecting the worst

- heart starts beating faster                                        - feeling worried

- breathing shifts                                                        - muscle tension

- worse case scenario's seem to always win               - feeling drained 

- ....

Let's keep playing; what are some of the symptoms associated with anxiety?  What are some of the bodily reactions when we feel threatened or in danger?  YES!! similar to the above.  This means we can conclude that non life threatening situations are also activating our basic instinct for survival.  See our mind doesn't know the difference between reality and fantasy.  Movies aren't real, they are a projection of images, yet we respond to them with our emotions, we laugh, cry, get scared or if it's a bad movie we may yawn. The movies we decide to play in our head, based on a past or future event, trigger the same program.  WOW! so it IS all about the mind.

Now What?

So when do we need to step in?  When the same bodily reactions get triggered on a daily or weekly basis by situations that are just a part of everyday life and not an occasional situation or life threatening emergency... or when these moments become debilitating, preventing you from moving forward; I would conclude it is time to take action.  

We are living in a society that has us run too much software at the same time, literally!  Smart phones from dusk till dawn, news, videos, more people living close together than ever before, more cars, more traffic, more pressure, more and more things we need to know just to keep up with everything and everybody around us. BUT we are still relying on the same basic programming to deal with this excess of information. We sleep less, absorb more, or at least try to, and we forget to reset our computer once in a while to ensure it keeps running efficiently and easily.  We can not allow it to overheat you see.  

A simple way to change these behaviors, to increase your tolerance to stress and to get to a better feeling place is hypnosis. In my hypnotherapy practice and experience with clients it has become apparent that hypnosis is a very effective tool to reset that computer of yours.  To access your programming and run a few updates.  

When was the last time you updated your smart phone?  Chances are somewhere within the past year.  When was the last time you updated your subconscious mind?  In hypnosis we can adjust your subconscious programming to only trigger the fight-flight response how it was intended and not on a daily or weekly basis.  Hypnosis in itself is a reset button to your computer and allows it a break, to cool down and restart better than ever before.  

In my sessions for anxiety relief I also provide tools, software if you will, that can be accessed during the conscious state and provide a calm, focused and efficient state.  Who doesn't want more of that in their life?  Independence is truly just a decision away.  Which button are you going to hit?  

A Hypnotherapist's Journey

Yasmine Verberckt

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The Roots

As long as I can remember I have always found joy in helping people.  Cliche? Perhaps... yet isn't there always a bit of cliche in simple truth?

Growing up in Belgium, in a small town where everybody knows one another, helping people is just something one witnesses on a day-to-day basis.  It is never questioned or analyzed, just lived.  Interestingly enough as time goes by and we 'grow up', obtaining financial rewards and social status often pull us in different directions and this was most definitely the case for me.  Graduated from culinary school and later obtaining a degree in business management I was ready to take on the world and conquer all possible titles in the shortest amount of time.  That in itself would grant my satisfaction in life....or so I thought...And so it begins:

As I packed my suitcases at 19 years old and left Belgium for the prestigious life in Paris, I was certain to obtain happiness through wealth and corporate status.  I joined the team of the luxurious and world famous Hotel de Crillon and worked many a long days among highly driven and competitive individuals.  Promoted every year I seemed to be well on the way to achieving what I had set to obtain.  Yet I couldn't understand why happiness and satisfaction didn't come with the rise in status and title.  How much hard work would it take?

After 4 years of working myself into exhaustion I decided to take a year off and fly as far as possible: Australia.  Packed my same 2 suitcases, yet again said my goodbye's to family and friends and started this new adventure.  I was certain that if Paris couldn't fully provide what I was looking for...than Australia would.

My oh my, it was indeed a magical place and time.  Traveled the whole country, made new friends, many of which I am still in touch with today and partied like a rock-star... Yet I discovered that even though life was fun, something was still missing.  How could that be?

As my year of fun and adventure came to an end it was time to pack my bags once again and make my way home.  My real home: Belgium, to gather my thoughts and decide on my next step.  When an opportunity presented itself to come to the United States to once again work in hotel management I grabbed it, and yes packed those 2 suitcases again and said my goodbye's.  I figured if Paris and Australia couldn't provide what I was yearning for than certainly the USA would.  Off to the land where dreams come true.

8 months after arriving I obtained my first promotion and salary increase, working even harder than ever before, my body was screaming out to slow down.  Since I refused to listen, my body made me.  I was under 30 and the Doctor was astonished to diagnose: shingles...  The staff looked at me puzzled and strongly urged me to make a change in lifestyle.  10 days later I was back at it and making up for lost time by working even harder.

Yet again my body urged me to listen and doctors scared me with a breast cancer diagnosis, still under 30 years old it was a very uncertain time.  I decided to make a change and truly search for my calling.  As I made those changes it became apparent that I was misdiagnosed and that the breast cancer symptoms were created by stress.


The Change

All of a sudden I remembered being hypnotized when I was 5 years old and how fascinating it was.  I made the decision to change and leave the world of titles and employees behind to take on a simple 9-5 type of job that allowed me to go back to college.  An intense time of training, study and practice including lots of room for personal development have led me to now be a clinical hypnotherapist.  I find myself in a world of helping people, a world of relaxation where personal growth and happiness is the main focus.  A world of change.

The Mission

Changing the world one hypno-session at a time; To share all that hypnosis has to offer. To allow individuals to explore a world within the subconscious mind, gaining access to old belief systems; ready to change associations that no longer serve them, into new ones through positive suggestions and idea's, assisting them to overcome obstacles, on their journey to complete happiness and satisfaction.  It may lay where you least expect it, but trust that it is up for grabs.