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I will also be very happy to answer any questions by phone (818)934-1008

15335 Morrison Street
Sherman Oaks, CA, 91403
United States


Join Yasmine and discover how hypnosis works and what it can do for you.  Hypnotherapy is an extremely effective tool in removing anxiety, quit smoking, sleep better and much much more. Time to let go and relax.

Local Hypnotherapist Sherman Oaks; Hypnosis session for the win

Yasmine Verberckt is a hypnotherapist based out of Sherman Oaks.  Her clinic focuses on anxiety relief, quit smoking, habit control, stress management, fears and phobias, sleep, mindset and much more.  In her articles she shares her insights on many topics where hypnosis has proven to be effective. The best way to find out is of course by booking a session. In Person or via Zoom.

Filtering by Tag: hypnotherapist sherman oaks

Can I be hypnotized? Let's ask a hypnotherapist

Yasmine Verberckt

A fair question, which will elicit different responses depending on who you ask. Some people will immediately reply, oh no way, nobody can control me, I have a strong mind. Others are the exact opposite and quite like the idea of hypnosis and its possibilities. Of course there are also the individuals who are not quite sure yet and are perhaps reticent.

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