Hypnosis - A natural lullaby
Yasmine Verberckt
As a hypnotherapist as far as I am concerned, quality sleep is the one of the most important factors in our lives. Yes, we need our tummies filled and love and a roof over our head in a safe space and all that absolutely. If you have the ability to read this via internet chances are you have some of those basic needs covered and can still have difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep or both. It can make life miserable can't it?
I have had several instances in my life where sleep just wasn't great to say the least and I felt horrible for days (and nights). Foggy, couldn't focus, I get grumpy, go for the wrong foods looking for that jolt of energy to kick in somehow... all to no avail. No matter how tired I was, I still couldn't sleep properly and every night frustration would grow. You see I grew up in a small town where everything is quiet and dark at night. A place where you can literally hear the sound of silence! It is pure bliss. Problem is, I don't live in that small town anymore. At night there is the light of street lamps, car headlights that can peer through, people are driving by or walking around or waking up extremely early on days where I want to sleep a little longer, you know, like normal people. Those leaf blowers that start a little too early? Oh so aggravating when sleep has been lacking am I right?
There are so many ways in which sleep can be disrupted. From environment but also from within... that's the rub! A simple Google search can point out in detail all of the reasons why insomnia is such a big deal. It affects our brains, our hormones, our bodies, the way we communicate and eat, the things we can no longer get done, etc.
Hypnosis is such an effective tool in restoring deep continuous sleep and the falling asleep process. There are many different and logical ways in which I can explain this. I will do my best to be thorough however should you be left with questions, just ask!
Perhaps the best place to start is by pointing out that hypnosis in itself is a state. Very much like being awake is a state and being asleep is a state. Hypnosis and sleep have that in common; they are both natural states of being. These states were a part of you from the day you were born. Nobody had to teach you how to fall asleep, you just did.
States of mind can literally be measured. If we hooked your brain up to appropriate equipment we can measure the brainwaves that are emitted. These brainwaves are recognized and quantified in frequency. There are names attributed to these frequencies. For example sleep is referred to as Delta. Being awake is either Alfa or Beta depending on your level of focus and activity. Hypnosis is Theta.
Do you want to hear the best part: to experience Delta state you MUST pass by a Theta state first. In other words you must go through hypnosis to be able to reach that full sleep state. That is the natural process! The same is true the other way around, to wake up, every person passes through that same Theta aka hypnotic state. It is not a question of belief it is just a matter of that's how it is...for everyone!
Hypnosis is in fact a natural lullaby. It prepares the mind for sleep. We know that we can induce the hypnotic state, I have made it my business, in the same way that we can induce a being awake state (setting an alarm, cup of coffee, shower etc) States can be created. Now that opens up a lot of possibilities does it not?
Regardless of how sleep disruption and insomnia were caused, it can be undone and that natural lullaby can sing it's sweet inner song once more. A subconscious rocking you into dreamland. The causes of sleep issues will differ from person to person. From "I have always been a bad sleeper" to having a lot on your mind (overwhelm, stress, anxiety) to perhaps a not so healthy or no sleep routine, a baby, a puppy, nightmares, trauma, a snoring partner, even food intake can play a part, and the list goes on...
Our mind is always busy associating items. If the mind somehow associates sleep as unsafe or a certain time as a productive time or every sound is deemed as an emergency... sleep will be lacking. Your mind is a VERY powerful thing. The beauty is that it can work for you and with you by associating that natural lullaby state to the right time of night. In effect reteaching your mind (and body) to unwind into that deep restorative kind of sleep. I feel like taking a nap right now just talking about it!
As with everything, experience is the best evidence. If sleep isn't what it is supposed to be and affects your daily life, I am here to let you know; hypnotherapy can be of help, period.