Your mind with hypnosis; an inner coach to weight loss
Yasmine Verberckt
Hypnotherapy for weight loss is one of the better known applications of hypnosis. It is right up there with hypnosis to quit smoking. I believe that to be the case because these are topics people tend to talk about more openly. There always seems to be someone who has heard of someone who knows someone having used hypnosis to assist them shedding excess weight. Of course more and more celebs talking about their journeys is quite impactful and useful as well.
Even though it is one of the better known applications of hypnosis, as a practitioner it can be one of the more challenging ones, though quite doable and well worth it. A hypnotic journey to get rid of some pounds can be expected to be a step by step journey. In contrast to cigarettes where we can go to quit entirely fairly quickly, we still need to eat several times a day. We can not consider ourselves a foodaholic and never eat again. There are so many different facets to food and our relationship towards it. It is not JUST about the act of eating as most of you already know.
And that's just it isn't it? We all KNOW what to do to become slimmer and fitter. Eat healthier foods, maybe more appropriate portions, drink water, more movement, no late night snacking, better sleep, and do all of this consistently enough for the body to adjust and shed some weight... The majority of adults have committed to such a goal at least once in their lifetime. For many it seems like it IS a lifetime. Time and time again starting over. Why can't we just make a decision, stick to it and reap the rewards continuously?
Well we have to go within and consider all the mechanisms that are linked to every single component of losing weight. Some of these components go aaalllll the way back to childhood! The phrases like; "Finish everything on your plate there are children without food" or "you'll always be big" and any variation thereof. On other occasions it is about comfort; a loved one offering a cookie or an ice cream or so to help soothe the harder days and moments in life. For others no healthy food was available. At times unhealthier habits become formed during college years or during extremely stressful times in ones life. For others it was about having overcome difficulty and when times are better, food becomes a way of showing success and celebrating better times. See all the different causes? They are numerous and different for every single person. Therefore hypnotherapy sessions are tailored to each individual. It is a must for a successful outcome.
Have you ever had that moment where you're eating and you know it is probably better to stop or eat something different and while you're thinking about it you just keep going? That is subconscious behavior! It is automatic. If it happens automatically, it is subconscious. Our minds hold on to what is known. That includes a certain number on the scale. Ever notice how when you lose weight easily and quickly somehow something happens and you find yourself right back to where you started? That is your subconscious mind protecting you by making sure everything stays the same. That initial number on the scale is what it is trying to protect (amongst other things). You see by keeping things the same, IS how the mind keeps you safe. It is why we want change but then again, we don't reeeeaaaalllyyy like it do we?
That is exactly why hypnosis, a tool to reach your subconscious mind, is beneficial on a weight management journey. We go behind the scenes, create images and thoughts around your goal weight or size. We assist the deeper mind in accepting the reasons why and what kind of behaviors are better for you. Reframe some of that possible childhood conditioning. Once the subconscious mind has accepted and processed these positive suggestions and ideas, a different behavior, thought pattern, feeling towards food is established. Let's admit it, food is like that friend that you can lean on when things get a bit a rough. It makes you feel a bit better...for a little while... In hypnotherapy we shift your relationship to food and provide you with different coping mechanisms to what once where triggers to go for another snack, an extra portion or just the wrong foods all together. In this way the mind pushes your actions towards what has now been accepted within, automatically. It doesn't mean you won't have to do anything different. It just means your mind will let you and will assist you. It is a world of a difference!
You won't just be told 'NO stop eating that'. That would be pointless. Most of us have tried that approach and well... here we are. Tools, explanation, suggestions, recordings etc. are a part of what you can expect during your hypnotherapy sessions. Of course the best way to really find out about hypnosis and weight to find out by yourself...
What do you have to lose? a bit of weight? Ha! Exactly!